Exploring the Quirks of Brainfuck: An Esoteric Programming Language Link to heading

Brainfuck is one of the most well-known esoteric programming languages. Created in 1993 by Urban Müller, it was designed to challenge and amuse programmers rather than for practical use. Brainfuck operates on an extremely minimalistic set of commands and a memory model that can be both intriguing and perplexing. In this post, we’ll explore the fundamental concepts of Brainfuck, provide some code examples, and delve into why it remains a fascinating subject among programming enthusiasts.

The Core Concepts of Brainfuck Link to heading

Brainfuck consists of only eight commands, which makes it a Turing-complete language despite its simplicity. These commands manipulate an array of memory cells, each initially set to zero. The commands and their functions are as follows:

  • >: Move the pointer to the right.
  • <: Move the pointer to the left.
  • +: Increment the memory cell at the pointer.
  • -: Decrement the memory cell at the pointer.
  • .: Output the character at the pointer.
  • ,: Accept one byte of input, storing its value in the memory cell at the pointer.
  • [: Jump forward to the command after the matching ] if the memory cell at the pointer is zero.
  • ]: Jump back to the command after the matching [ if the memory cell at the pointer is nonzero.

These commands operate on a simple memory model: a potentially infinite array of bytes, all initialized to zero.

Example: Hello World in Brainfuck Link to heading

One of the most famous examples to demonstrate any programming language’s capabilities is the “Hello, World!” program. Here is how it looks in Brainfuck:


Let’s break it down:

  • ++++++++++ sets the first cell to 10.
  • [>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-] creates a loop to set up other cells:
    • >+++++++ sets the second cell to 70 (7 * 10).
    • >++++++++++ sets the third cell to 100 (10 * 10).
    • >+++ sets the fourth cell to 30 (3 * 10).
    • >+ sets the fifth cell to 10.
    • <<<<- decreases the first cell by 1 and repeats until the first cell is zero.
  • >++. outputs ‘H’.
  • >+. outputs ‘e’.
  • +++++++.. outputs ‘l’ twice.
  • +++. outputs ‘o’.
  • >++. outputs space.
  • <<+++++++++++++++. outputs ‘W’.
  • >. outputs ‘o’.
  • +++.------.--------. outputs ‘r’, ‘l’, ’d'.
  • >+. outputs ‘!’.

Why Use Brainfuck? Link to heading

Brainfuck is not practical for day-to-day programming, but it offers several benefits for learning and mental exercise:

  1. Understanding Turing Completeness: Despite its simplicity, Brainfuck is Turing complete, meaning it can theoretically compute anything that a more complex language, like Python or C, can, given enough time and memory.

  2. Mental Challenge: Brainfuck requires you to think about programming in a highly constrained environment, which can sharpen your problem-solving skills.

  3. Historical Significance: Brainfuck is a part of the esolang (esoteric programming languages) culture, which values creativity and experimentation in language design.

Writing More Complex Programs Link to heading

Basic Arithmetic Link to heading

Let’s write a Brainfuck program to add two numbers. We’ll use input commands to get the numbers from the user and then output the result.



  • , takes the first number and stores it in the first cell.
  • > moves to the second cell.
  • , takes the second number and stores it in the second cell.
  • < moves back to the first cell.
  • [->+<] is a loop that subtracts 1 from the first cell and adds 1 to the second cell until the first cell is zero.
  • > moves to the second cell.
  • . outputs the result.

Looping and Conditional Logic Link to heading

Brainfuck’s looping and conditional logic are handled by the [ and ] commands. Here’s an example that demonstrates a simple loop to multiply two numbers:



  • , takes the first number (multiplier).
  • > moves to the second cell.
  • , takes the second number (multiplicand).
  • [ starts the outer loop.
  • <[->+>+<<] is the inner loop that adds the multiplicand to the result cell.
  • >>[-<<+>>] resets the temporary storage used in the inner loop.
  • <<<- decrements the multiplier.
  • ] ends the outer loop.
  • >>. outputs the result.

Conclusion Link to heading

Brainfuck is a fascinating language that challenges the way we think about programming. Its minimalistic design forces programmers to think creatively and understand the fundamentals of computation deeply. While it’s not suitable for practical applications, it remains a valuable tool for education and mental exercise.

For further reading and exploration, check out the following resources:

By diving into Brainfuck, you not only get a taste of esoteric programming cultures but also improve your problem-solving skills in a unique and entertaining way.

Citations Link to heading

  1. Brainfuck Wikipedia
  2. Esoteric Programming Languages
  3. Brainfuck Visualizer and Debugger